PTL was initiated socially by people movement who have deep passion in travelling and living abroad. It was started as trial project in 2016/2017 before it formed as an event, training and travel consultancy business.

PTL mission is to encourage people to venture into the dream of living and working oversea. At the same time, PTL helps businesses to form and develop their own travel business team and making PTL as a training ground for their staff.

PTL is an opportunity for you to explore your possibility to work abroad. It gives you hands-on training in a global connectivity and open for a long term job engagement.

For you who has passion and mind to embark a entrepreneurial journey in travel and tourism industry, take PTL as you starting point. The world is wide open for those who are willing to explore.


Previously known as Kofklasse PTL Ventures,the movement has been under the management of Awesome Nomad Sdn. Bhd. (ANSB) since 2022 in objective to formalize and expand the operation. Starting 1st March 2023, ANSB has been approved as Accredited Center (Number : SI0495) by Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran, Kementerian Sumber Manusia to carry out National Occupational Skills Standard for Tour Leader (Ketua Rombongan Pelancong) HT-024-3 In-House training that will offer Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (Level 3) certification.